Legacy Insurance & Financial Services offers a wide range of services including investment and tax reduction strategies, estate and retirement planning, group benefits, group retirement savings plans, and deferred profit sharing plans. We – above all – offer objective, professional advice, and personalized service. Our philosophy is to provide clients with the insurance protection, financial and wealth management plans that they can securely rely on for a lifetime.
Wealth Management
Investment services to help with your personal and family retirement, educational and other financial needs.
Insurance Services
A full range of insurance services to deal with unexpected life events, and protect yourself and your family.
Special Needs
Assisting Canadian families with financial challenges as a result of disabilities that they may be facing.
Legacy provides a complete range of insurance protection and financial planning services to both individuals and corporations. Whether you require personal or corporate insurance protection including life, health or disability insurance, or your needs are financial planning related such as investments, RESPs, RRSPs, RRIF’s, annuities or estate planning, the professional licensed advisors here at Legacy can help. At Legacy, your insurance and financial well-being are our first priority.